陆氏针灸嫡系传人陆焱�介绍了陆瘦燕的生平与学术思想流派特色。 陆老幼承庭训,中学毕业后便随父侍诊,博览医书,钻研岐黄之术。在中医饱受挤压的当时,陆老不辞辛苦,振兴中医,由于其针术精湛,声誉日隆,成为针灸名家。陆老并不因此居功自傲,他不断地开拓进取,创办新中国针灸学研究社,附设函授班,招收各地学员,传授针灸术。同时,率先运用现代科学方法研究针灸手法,致力于研究针具改革,设计制造针灸经络穴位模型,又于报刊开辟《燕庐医话》栏目宣传针灸知识,弘扬中国古老之针灸术,影响远及东南亚一带。此外,他还作为中国医学代表团成员赴苏联及东欧诸国讲学、会诊及学术交流,努力为针灸走出国门作出自己的贡献。 在学术上,陆老对“经气”含义、十二经脉同名经相接关系、六府之合穴、经脉交会等理论多有阐发。在针刺手法方面陆老更是运用地炉火纯青,其中的“烧山火,透心凉”的手法堪称一绝。此外,陆老也习用毫针,提倡温针和伏针伏灸,对后学者亦有颇多裨益。 原针推学院院长 原上海市针灸经络研究所所长、陆瘦燕针灸学术研究会会长 针推学院教师及在校研究生、本科生百余人参加了本次报告会,这次报告会是对陆老临床经验的总结与汇报,也鼓舞着未来的针灸医师们为针灸这门古老而又神奇的医术奉献自己毕生的精力!
Defender of Chinese Medicine Dedicating His Life to Acupuncture ---the Report on Academic Thoughts of the Famous Acupuncturist Mr. Lu Shouyan On October 21, 2009, the report on academic thoughts of the famous acupuncturist Mr. Lu Shouyan was held in our university. Organized by School of Acupuncture and Tuina and presided by its Dean, Pref. Shen Xueyong, this report would be the prelude of a series of commemorations of 100 years birthday of Mr. Lu this year. The direct descendant and successor Lu Yanyao introduced the life and academic thoughts of Mr. Lu Shouyan and the specialty of the school of his thoughts. Mr. Lu received his training since his early age and followed his father in the clinic after graduating from high school. He read a large amount of medical books, delving into the art of Qihuang. In spite of the supression of traditional Chinese medicine at that time, Lu tried to revitalize traditional Chinese medicine tirelessly and became a famous acupuncture master by his exquisite needle technique and high reputation. Lu did not therefore grown arrogant. Instead, he continued to forge ahead, became the founder of the new Chinese Acupuncture society, including and recruiting students into his correspondence courses and taught them acupuncture. Meanwhile, he took the lead in using modern scientific methods to study acupuncture techniques, working on the reform of the subject. He designed and manufactured the model of meridian and acupoints, wrote column "Yan Lu medical knowledge" in the newspapers, promoting this ancient Chinese medical technique far to Southeast Asia. In addition, he also served as the medical members of the delegation and went to the Soviet Union and Eastern European countries to give lectures, consultations and academic exchanges, making efforts to the international dissemination of acupuncture. On academic aspect, Mr. Lu made clear explanation of many professional terms such as "meridian qi", the phase relationship of the twelve meridians of the same name, the He acupoints of six Palaces and the theory of meridian intersection. He was a real master of acupuncture manipulation, especially in "burning and cooling manipulation ". Further more, he also used conventional needles, advocating needle warming moxibustion and applying it in summer, which made a lot of benefit to the later scholars. The former Dean of School of Acupuncture and Tuina Professor Liu Yan introduced Mr. Lu's experience on the use of moxibustion. Such as applying less moxibustion on chest and more on the abdomen, and use aconite moxibustion treatment for cold deficiency syndromes. Mr. Lu has also told his experience unreservedly to the later scholars. Former Director of the Shanghai Institute of Acupuncture and Meridian and President of Lu's Acupuncture Research Association, Professor Chen Hanping carried forward an excellent report on how to inherit Shanghai TCM philosophy. He associated the personnel training on Chinese medicine with Chinese painting and photo creatively, pointing out that only the combination of science and technology with the nurturing of the human spirit can shape the qualified Chinese medicine practitioners. In addition, Professor Chen also demonstrated the scholarliness of Mr. Lu Shouyan by some specific examples for the audience . Hundreds of teachers and students from School of Acupuncture and Tuina attended this report which would be a summary of Mr. Lu's clinical experience and inspiration for the future acupuncturist to dedicate their lifetime to this ancient and magical medicine! |