由上海中医药大学、中国针灸学会针灸器材专业委员会共同主办,上海中医药大学针灸推拿学院承办的中国针灸学会针灸器材专业委员会成立20周年暨2009’国际针灸器材学术研讨会于2009年12月11日在上海浦东新区创新港隆重召开,来自国内外及港澳台地区的学者共110余名代表参加了本次会议,收到论文30余篇。本次会议由中国针灸学会针灸器材专业委员会主任委员杨华元教授主持,大会主席、中国科学院院士、上海中医药大学校长陈凯先教授、上海中医药大学副校长刘平教授、中国针灸学会会长李维衡教授、上海浦东新区科协学术部部长蒲泽民教授、上海市针灸学会会长张仁教授莅临开幕式并分别致词表示祝贺,中国工程院院士顾玉东教授也同期发来贺信。 会议围绕“针灸器材的现代研究与临床应用”的主题展开研讨,共邀请到25位相关领域的专家出席会议并作主题报告及专题交流,其中中国科学院院士王守觉教授的“从信息学的观点看针灸医疗”,中国工程院院士石学敏教授的“针灸器材研究的设想与创新思路”、美国南加州大学生物工程系Gerald E.Loab教授的“The Art and Science of Neural Stimulation Prosthetics”等主题发言引起了代表们的强烈反响,受到广泛好评。与会代表还就目前针灸器材的研究现状、存在问题、解决对策等作了深入的交流和探讨,特别是针灸器材的研发思路、临床验证方法、行业标准、操作规范、以及如何开展多学科交叉研究等议题成为了讨论热点。 本次会议的召开将进一步推动针灸器材的研发应用以及产业链完善,与会代表一致认为以本次会议为契机,在各界同仁集思广益,精诚协作下,针灸器材领域的前景将更为广阔,其不断进步与提高也将为中医药的可持续发展作出更为重要的作用。
The 20th anniversary of Acupuncture Equipment Professional Committee of Chinese Acupuncture Society and the 2009' International Acupuncture Equipment Symposium Held Successfully The 20th anniversary of Acupuncture Equipment Professional Committee of Chinese Acupuncture Society co-sponsored by the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and its School of Acupuncture and Tuina, and the 2009' International Acupuncture Equipment Symposium are held on December 11, 2009 in Shanghai Pudong New Area Innovation Harbor. More than 110 scholars from mainland of China and abroad, and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions participated in the meeting, and more than 30 papers were received. The meeting was presided by Professor Yang Huayuan, the chairman of Acupuncture Equipment Professional Committee of Chinese Acupuncture Society. The meeting was also attended by Mr. Chen Kaixian, Chairman of the meeting, academician in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, principal of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Professor Liuping, vice principal of Shanghai University of TCM; Professor Li Weiheng, president of the Chinese Acupuncture Society; Professor Pu Zemin, minister of Academic Department of Shanghai Pudong the New District and Professor Zhang Ren, president of Shanghai Acupuncture Society. They came to the opening ceremony and delivered speeches of congratulations. Professor Gu Yudong, academician in the Chinese Academy of Engineering, also sent a congratulatory message. The theme of the meeting was " the modern research and clinical applications of acupuncture equipment." 25 experts in the field were invited to the meeting and made reports and exchanged their ideas. Several reports have been widely praised and received strong echos, such as the report of Professor Wang Shoujue, academician in Chinese Academy of Sciences, "Looing at Acupuncture from the Point of View of Informatics"; "Some Thoughts on Acupuncture Equipment Research with Innovative Ideas" of Professor Shi Xuemin, academician in the Chinese Academy of Engineering; "The Art and Science of Neural Stimulation Prosthetics" of Professor Gerald E.Loab in Department of Biological Engineering in University of Southern California. The participants also exchanged ideas on the situation, problems and solutions of acupuncture equipments. The ideas of development of acupuncture equipment, clinical validation methods, industry standards, rules of practices, and how to carry out interdisciplinary research and other issues have become hot topics. The convening of this meeting will further promote the invention and application of acupuncture equipment as well as industry chain. The delegates agreed that this meeting would be the opportunity for people to work collectively, making the field of acupuncture equipment broader and be a more important role in the sustainable development of Chinese medicine. |