继往开来 开拓创新��针灸推拿学院召开第二届团委换届改选大会




  与会团员代表应到49,实到45人, 大会以无记名投票,差额选举的方式,最终选举产生了新一届团委委员,分别为任妍、汪洋、陈洁、陈麓圣、林琳,共5人。





Inheriting the Past and Looking Forward to the Future, Exploring and Innovating ------Meeting for the Second Reelection of the Communist Youth League Held by the College of Acupuncture and Tuina

At 11:00 am,on April 27, 2011, the Communist Youth League held a meeting for the second reelection of the Communist Youth League. Liang Shanghua, secretary of Party branch and associate Dean, Lu Chenfei, director of the Rehabilitation Medicine Office, Taosi Liang, secretary of Youth League and other League branch members represented at the meeting. The meeting was hosted by the college counselor, Lin Lin.

The number of the representatives should be 49, while in fact, 45 people participated in the meeting. In the form of anonymous ballot, finally a new session of the Communist Youth League members were elected out. They were Ren Yan, Wang Yang, Chen Jie, Chen Lusheng, Lin Lin.

At the meeting, the former secretary of the Communist Youth League, Lu Chenfei gave a report about the 2008-2011 Youth League work. She pointed out that the the newly appointed Party Branch general, Liang attached great importance to the work of cultivating the youth, and strongly supported for the affairs of the Communist Youth League. In the past three years, with the hard-work and joint efforts of Communist Youth League members, the Youth League had won the titles, such as Wusi feature Youth League in Shanghai and Wusi red flag Youth League. In the future work, the members of youth should redouble efforts to make our Youth League better.

Liang Shanghua, secretary of the College Party branch, praised the work of the last session of the Communist Youth League, and also pointed out that the University was a wide stage for young people to fully display themselves, and had a very important impact on students' growth, and success. The newly elected students should actively participate in the activities in the campus or out of the campus. They should fully utilize their creativity in the project of science shops, consortium project, the work of Communist Youth League and various other platforms, to improve their overall quality, fully demonstrated of contemporary youthful style of the student population.

Finally, secretary of the Communist Youth League, Mr. Tao made a conclusion. He praised the work of last session of the Communist Youth League. The College of Acupuncture and Tuina, as one of the oldest service departments for science shop, relying on the professional advantages, giving full play to the important role of the second class in Moral Education. This year, the School Committee of the Communist Youth League will provide the maximum financial support for the two projects of Acupuncture and Massage Service Department and the Association of Acupuncture and Massage. Hope that the new session of the Communist Youth League members could inherit and carry forward the spirit of innovation, and constantly open up a new situation in the work of grassroots organizations.

Youth League of College of Acupuncture and Tuina