上海中医药大学第67期党章学习班结业典礼于2011年6月29日下午在7302教室举行,至此,为期一个月的党章学习班正式落下帷幕。 结业典礼由针灸推拿学院林琳老师主持,首先,由各学习小组汇报交流前期开展的入党积极分子的人生理想、入党动机、党史党情学习情况、时事政治关注程度等调研情况,许多生动事例反映出学员们深刻地感悟到端正入党动机、坚定理想信念、学习党史党情的必要性和深远意义。 曙光临床医学院施慧婷同学、针灸推拿学院陈文婷同学分别作为优秀学员代表在结业典礼上发言,她们说:作为一名上海中医药大学第67期党章学习班成员,由衷地感谢学校为积极要求入党的同学们提供了一个良好的学习交流平台,为同学们在提高“党性修养,增强党史掌握”奠定了扎实的基础,并代表全体学员表示在今后的工作、学习中时刻注意提升自己的思想觉悟,坚持以“高标准,严要求”为行动指南,以一个共产党员的标准严格要求自己,争取早日成为一名光荣的共产党员。 随后,林琳老师作学习班总结报告:本次培训班上始终贯穿了以“坚定理想信念,自觉成才奉献”的主题,对学员进行了党的基本理论、基本纲领、基本路线等知识的培训。培训班采用了以讲座为主体,并辅以党史知识竞赛、红色之旅,红色电影观赏,调查研究、优秀党员先进事迹学习等内容丰富、形式多样的教学活动。通过学习,学员们比较系统地掌握了党的基本理论,一定程度上提高了自身的政治觉悟。本期学习班共有85名学员,经过考试,78名学员顺利结业,其中成绩在80分以上者占63%,考试通过率为91.8%。 校党校陈秋生老师、陆佩丽老师在结业典礼上为优秀学员和学员代表颁发了奖状及证书,并对学员的顺利结业表示祝贺,会上向全体学员提出了新的要求与希望:一要不断学习党的理论知识,提高政治理论素养;二要时刻检视自己,努力提升个人综合素质;三要不断进步,争做学习上的标兵、生活上的模范、工作上的表率,争取早日加入党组织。 最后,上海中医药大学第67期党章学习班结业典礼在雄壮的《国际歌》中完成各项议程,顺利闭幕。 Inheriting the Red Classic and Developing the Brilliance of Communist Party of China------The 67th Graduation Ceremony for the Class of Learning Party Constitution in Shanghai University of TCM It has been 90 years since the foundation of Communist Party of China and the world has changed a lot. In order to review the course of revolution, we read the Siming oath. On June 17th and 18th, 2011, the general Party branch of College of Acupuncture and Tuina organized a journey to Siming mountain district, Ningbo city, to go over the martyrs' track. Teachers in Party committee or Youth League Committee were also invited to take part in this activity. There is a lot of rain in June on the southern side of the Yangtze River, but our journey was not stopped by the rain. The first station is Siming Mount National Forest Park. Seen from the top, Siming Mount with an area of 6665 hectares was surrounded by clouds, and many other mountain peaks. Later, we visited Zhedong original site of the anti-Japanese base area. Yuyaoliang lane in Zhejiang Province is the center of Siming Mount revolution base areas, which was one of the 19 revolution base areas in the whole country during the anti-Japanese period. In 1996, Yuyaoliang lane was added into the list of 100 national patriotism education bases, as one of the 100 classical red journey scenic zones. All teachers laid wreaths in front of the Martyrs Monument and bowed. Held by Liang Shanghua, the secretary of the general Party branch, Party members of the School of Acupuncture and Tuina faced the party flag, solemnly holding their right hands and making a fist, reading aloud the oath for joining the party. The event had a profound education meaning."I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China ...”.The passionate voice echoed in Siming Mountains. Reviewing the oath is part of the Party members’ education for celebrating the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Party. This aims at making party members recall the situation of joining the Party in the past, making clear the Party member’s responsibility and obligations towards the Party, being strict with themselves by the party member’s standard, inspiring working enthusiasm, enhancing the combat effectiveness of the Party, and maintaining the Party's progressiveness. The revolutionary road is arduous and tortuous with ups and downs along the way. Our country’s being powerful and our economic prosperity is very closely linked to the sweat of our ancestors. A new generation of Communist Party members, are also working hard, and dedicating the youth, for the future of our country. Then, we visited the eastern Zhejiang Civil Administration. In the visit, dating back to the war era, we recalled Communists’ arduous revolutionary spirit, and the heroic scenes. To all the college teachers, this "Red Tour" not only played a profound role in education, but also enhanced the Party's cohesion and promoted the exchange among the party members. At the same time, it made the organizational life colorful, strengthened and cultivated the party’s spirit, and inspired the members’ enthusiasm and passion for the Party and our country. School of Acupuncture and Tuina June 20,2011 |